Popular Hotels In Noida.


Popular Hotels in Noida.

Back in the 1990's, Noida used to be a small Industrial city next to the capital if India, Delhi. Over time it grew into an IT & Educational Hub with High rises in every part of the city. As of today, the city is a millenial city with the best Companies, residential towers, malls & entertainment options, hospitals & educationational institutions. It is truly on its way to become a GenX city, first of its kind in India. Also Noida is having its own Airport which will start from 2023 and will have the biggest & most organsited Film Studios in the country. Thus it is a city of ambitions for the new GenX and is ever growing and evolving.

Noida has always been a planned city. The city planning authoirites are now planning work, play & live options in there future planning of the extentions of Noida so people have to commute less and live and work in the same neighbourhood. Noida is part of the NCR Region of Delhi which is the second most popolous city in the World thus there is a greater need for people to work & live in the same neighbourhood as manging transport for such a huge population will be very hard and next to impossible.

Noida has a lot of popular Hotels too like Radisson MBD, Radission Noida, Mosaic Noida, LemonTree Sandal Suites, Hotel PK Residency, Fortune Hotels, Ginger Sector 63, PK Boutique Hotels Sector 104 to name a few. Amongst all these Hotels only Raddisson, Ginger & PK Group have multiple properties in the city. The fascinating part about this is that all these 3 groups above have different footholds in the globe but there positivity of growing travel and hotels in Noida is the same. Radisson is owned by Carlson Group and has Hotels worldwide, Ginger Hotels owned by India Hotels has Hotels all accross India, and PK Group is a local Noida grown Hotelier having chain of Hotels and serviced Apartments accross Noida.

Looking at the three major chains in Noida, We feel the local Hotelier i.e. PK Group seems to be the most bullish about there plans in the future. Even the impact of Covid19 hasnt stopped their future growth plans. There plans to have 10 Hotels in this City and going Local with small inventory of rooms is very ambitious and bullish. 

Noida, and the region around is slated to be one the fastest growing sectors of real estate development in India. So lets see how this GenX city grows in the next decade.


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